Polycystic ovarian disease

It is a common endocrinal disorder seen in about 10% of women in the reproductive age group. It is the most common cause of infertility due to non maturation of the female ovum or egg.


Normally the ovum is developed and released from the ovary due to the action of hormones released by vital structures in the brain called the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland. The hypothalamus serves multiple functions and is the chief controlling centre for maintaining the internal environment or homoeostasis in the body. It regulates many vital metabolic functions through the medium of nerves and hormones and ensures an efficient and balanced working of the body. It releases hormones that influences the anterior pituitary to release its various secretions into the blood which affect different target organs in the body, one of which is the ovaries. The hypothalamus is also connected to the cerebral cortex or the ‘thinking brain’ through a rich medium of nerves and hence is influenced by stresses and strains at that level. It, in turn transfers them to the pituitary and through it on the body. Any disturbance at these levels causes an imbalanced hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis and leads to ovarian dysregulation.


Normally during the monthly menstrual cycle, although many ova begin to develop, only one reaches maturity and is released, later to be fertilized or to be shed off along with the inner lining of the uterus. In polycystic ovarian disease, many ova develop but none reach maturation giving rise to multiple cysts in the ovary which appears as a string of pearls arranged peripherally as seen in ultrasonography. As the ova do not mature, they are not released, the hormone progesterone is not released and menstruation fails to set in. The result is irregular, delayed menses and inability to conceive. Other symptoms like excessive facial hair, pimples oily skin may be due to relative increase in the male hormones.

Another interesting factor is the development of insulin resistance. Obesity is often associated with polycystic disease. Erratic eating habits and overeating affects insulin release from the pancreas. Increased intake of food places excessive demands on its secretions and eventually leads to exhaustion and resistance to its action and the body cells are unable to take up insulin. Over a period of time, this may lead to diabetes mellitus. Hence increase in weight with an irregular menstrual cycle should first raise the suspicion of polycystic disease.


Diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical history and a pelvic ultrasound which demonstrates the pearl string appearance of ovaries. Hormonal assays help in gauging the degree of imbalance.


  • Treatment is aimed at rectifying the imbalance
  • Losing weight is essential as it improves the insulin resistance.
  • External administration of hormones serve to make up for the deficiency temporarily.

HOW CAN Homeopathy HELP?

Homeopathy helps to rectify the displaced hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis by stimulating corrective measures within the body. Induction of menses and regulation of the monthly cycle occurs by stabilization of the central mechanisms, which once corrected are largely self-regulatory.

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