Dr. Shruti Surve

Shruti Surve

Associate Partner

Dr. Shruti Surve an aspiring homoeopath earned her B.H.M.S. degree and as any other medical student in the quest of exploring her fields of interest tried to acquire an expertise and do justice to her noble degree and the promising science that has a huge scope of research.

She is determined to uncover the secrets and benifits of Homeopathy to all people out there in need. Having earned her spot as an assistiant doctor to a renowend name in Homeopathic world she has gained an experience of 5 long years when she felt that it was time for a change in scenary; when she collaborated with team Sweet Pills.

She is a staunch follower of Homeopathy and determined to grow as a successful homoeopath. Her inspiration always have been her patients who she believes are her best teachers.

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"Dr. Samuel Hahnemann"


Mrs. Anagha manohar

"With her treatment. And i must say my there is a remarkable improvement in my son's health condition. I believe in homeopathy thank Team SweetPills. "

Miss. Sharvani Khot

"It not only relieved me from regular health issues but also cured other problems like skin disorder, hairfall and muscle spasm problem. "

Bipin Kandalgaonkar

"I was unaware about homeopathy and was reluctant to consult homeopathy doctor. He suggested me to contact Sweet Pills Homeopathy Clinic."